Hi Karolina,

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 02:25:27PM +0200, Karolina Kalic wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a suggestion. My boyfriend is making sites and is willing to make one
> for DW. He is working with Django and he would like to write completely new
> system, which would be simple enough to maintain, with its source completely
> available and free.

What about you? I mean: your boyfriend's proposal is very kind, but the idea
is to have a woman in this initiative, not a man ;).
So not only the handling part, but also the design and set up part should be -
IMO - made by a woman. Not to discriminate, but only because the aim of this
group is to empower women in Debian. :)

>I would be glad to manage that site and everybody who
> want, can help me and get access. We need new design and more interactive
> pages. I have some precised ideas what should be changed, but first I am
> interested to hear what do you think about my idea. My boyfriend is also a
> packager in Debian and is very glad to help us. New website is very
> important, and I hope you' ll like my idea.
> Greetings,
> Karolina

<taffit> eof: when I want something | "Convince people with results,
done quickly, I don't wait for      |  rather than words"
others ;)                           |  Enrico Zini

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