Now I understand better the "joke" from holger. It is absolutely unacceptable.
Unfortunately, this is the kind of joke I was usually faced with in one of my
previous job. Some men just consider women have nothing to do in any technical
fields and they truly make it understand to the few women that have the courage
to start a technical job.

I was personnaly hurt by this kind of daily jokes that truly put women in an
inferior level. Yes, it is the reality, women are just good to be FU... and they
do not have to be clever and, worse, beautiful and clever.

So Holger, I don't know if you are a man or a woman but your joke is just simply
not funny and insulting for technical women.

Yes, we have to fight again in order to reduce prejudices and hate again clever
women. Let's gather in Argentina, France or wherever to build a strong community
and make clear that there is no jobs for women and jobs for men but only job for
human beings.


Selon Jordi Gutiérrez Hermos <>:

> 2009/8/25 Anne Ghisla <>:
> > Il giorno mar, 25/08/2009 alle 16.20 +0200, Ana Guerrero ha scritto:
> >> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 01:52:21PM -0500, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermos wrote:
> >> > 2009/8/24 Holger Levsen <>:
> >> > > Why? It's not obvious to me. I think not having any men there would
> attract
> >> > > some women who would otherwise not joiin.
> >> >
> >> > So...
> >> >
> >> > Could Caster Semenya go to the event or not? ;-)
> >> >
> >>
> >> I fail to see who is this funny or on-topic?
> >> Keep such "jokes" out of here.
> >
> > my 2 cents: I agree with Ana. These jokes are hard to understand
> > properly on written communication. So I can't get if it is just an
> > innocent joke or, as it is so common among men who fear women raise of
> > awareness (but can't understand why), a way to reduce importance of what
> > women do and think by laughing at them.
> Uh...
> Sorry.
> It was meant to ruffle feathers at the suggestion that you should
> limit access to an event based on sex. It was supposed to suggest, for
> example, that you were willing to check karyotypes, hormone levels,
> and anatomy and whatever else Semenya has had to put up with before
> you decided if a particular person should be allowed to attend the
> event or not.
> I'm not exactly sure how it was interpreted in an offensive manner,
> but I suppose it was tactless of me to make a... uh... joke (it wasn't
> even meant to be that funny) that could potentially be offensive. I
> apologise.
> - Jordi G. H.
> --
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