On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 10:23:09PM +0000, Lesley Binks wrote:

> I don't speak or read Slovak so can't translate the whois on the
> misbb.sk domain to determine anything other who his ISP is.

Ah, thanks for the hint; the website didn't seem to work for me, I didn't
think to check whois.

  Domain-name         misbb.sk
  Admin-name          Mesto Banska Bystrica

This is "the city of Banska Bystrica".

> He may be nothing more than a 15 year old sat there thinking of ways
> of winding people up and deriving great amusement from the results of
> his efforts.

He's previously posted with his title, Mgr, indicating that he has a
master's degree.

> He may be a grown man with some other kind of problem - like no job  -
> these posts must take up some time for him to write and seem to be
> becoming his sole occupation.

Well, he certainly doesn't appear to have ever contributed anything else to

> I just don't bother to engage at any level with the content of his
> posts because they really don't matter.

I think that's a good choice.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
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