Hi Lisi,

I've install my Debian with very little space in the / partition (I
guess I didn't pay much attention on what i was doing) and I get space
overflow frecuently :(

Searching posible solutions I found what Kevin says, but not as nice,
thanks Kevin to point the pipeline!

But I found two more posibilities:
Use of localepurge, how many languages do you use? You can get rid of
the rest of language packages with his utility! When I ran it, it
erased 65Mb of Ucranian, Russian, etc, that I was not going to use :)

The other is to install/save stuff where you have more space and then
simlimk to /lib, /usr or /etc (depending on your needs). You'll see
this with:
df -h

And have you notice that Trash is a hidden directory?
I had a hard time finding it!

Hope this helps you out.



2008/12/3, Kevin Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 08:46:32AM +0000, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > Here's another simpleton question. :-(
> >
> > I managed to backup onto my / partition.  I have rm-ed most of the resulting
> > garbage.  But I am left with a 100% full /tmp and df tells me that this is
> > overflow.  I therefore need to do some more deleting.  But I am ashamed to
> > say that I have not explored /tmp as much as I ought to have, so my 
> > knowledge
> > about what is usually/meant to be there is scant. :-(
> >
> > Which, if any, of the following files ought I to keep and which can I safely
> > delete?
> > <quote>
> > gconfd-lisi  kde-lisi  keyring-iiiSCk  ksocket-lisi  orbit-lisi
> > ssh-PwasxA2979
> > </quote>
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Lisi
> TMP is not usually a place I need to clean. It is used for 'scratch
> space' when programs need to work on something temporarily. /tmp is
> usually only a few MB in size. On reboot, most Gnu system clean out tmp.
> I'd look for some other place to either: remove unneeded files or move a
> big file to another partition or medium(SD disk, backup HDD,..)
> I use:
> cd ~
> du -s -m .* *|sort -n
> to show me what is taking up space in a certain location like
> /home/$user or /var/cache/ then I can see where the big folders/files
> are.  This will produce a 2 column output where column one shows the
> size in MB of the directory or file and column two show the name of the
> file or directory.  so if you need say 100 MB more, you'd use the above
> script and find the appropriate file/directory and do something to
> alleviate the situation.  I had a full partition situation and my
> fetchmail would not work correctly, so I got rid of some MB of junk and
> that fixed it.
> hope that helps,
> Kev
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