On Friday 28 November 2008 15:58:02 Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:
> >>      3) use alsamixer and unmute channels and raise levels (also try
> >>      muting some channels)
> >
> > Now this I haven't done.  I tried, but I couldn't fathom how to work it -
> > or even how to interpret it.
> I'm sorry, I should have said alsamixergui, which is a bit more
> friendly. From what you later posted from d-user, it seems that the
> problem is here. Is it?

Capture is indeed not set - but I can't fathom out how to do it.  Changing the 
level on the things that are set is easy, but I can't get capture to respond 
at all.

I have googled, and tried man alsamixergui.  But all I can find are 
instructions to make use it - but nothing on how to do so!  Nor how to 
interpret the data.

I have turned on capture in kmix - but it doesn't seem to make any 
difference. :-(


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