Dear Debianists,

Here is a link toward a survey that I set up in order to understand
the uses and conceptions of the Debian Wiki within the Debian
community :

You may aslo answer this survey by refering to the debian women wiki in
particular or by making comparaison between the debian wiki and the
debian women wiki.

My name is Anne Goldenberg, I'm a PhD student in communication and
sociology at UQAM and I work on contributions and negotiations in
public wikis. As part of my fieldwork, I study the Debian Wiki, as well
as the french Ubuntu Wiki and Wikipedia. Some of you may already know
me from the DebConf8 where I made a few interviews with some Debian
wiki contributors. Doing so, and talking with other Debianists, I
realized there were differents visions of the wiki and thought it might
interesting to set up this survey. Your answers will help me in the
writing of my thesis, but I think it could also be valuable for the
Debian community. I will share the result with you by putting them
online [1] under a free license. You'll be notified of this publication 
through the same list I have used to contact you.

You will need about 20 min to answer the survey. 

Thank you for your attention,
Anne Goldenberg

[1] on these wiki 
and this website

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