Due to the fact that many were locked out of last week’s
webinar, we’re doing it again this Tuesday. 

Space is limited and will fill up quick, and I will not be 
giving another one so please don’t hesitate to register for this 
informative webinar now. 


Cam Dunlap here with
an invitation to join me on my fr'ee
Webinar this Tues. 11/25/08 at 8:00
PM East, 5:00 PM West, on how
you can buy and sell Bank REO
Foreclosure deals in bulk. 

My guest Sal Buscemi is the best
there is in the business. He buys
REO packages every day and he's
going to teach us how to do it too. 
Then you can flip the package to
him for a tidy pro'fit or he'll loan 
you the mon'ey to close on the package, 
then you can resell the properties individually 
and make a for'tune. 

Sal will share his best kept secrets
on how to legally steal from the
banks and this is a once in 15 year
opportunity, so don't miss it. 

Don't miss this fr'ee webinar. Go here
now to register. 

We will have audio on your computer
and we'll simulcast it over the phone
so you'll have the choice.

Space is very limited so don't wait. 
Register now.

Talk to you Tues. evening. 

Cameron Dunlap

Dandrew Capital Partners
45 West 21st Street
Floor 3
New York, New York 10010


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