Erinn Clark wrote:
* Helen Faulkner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004:12:26 12:52 +0000]:
I have made a wiki page for listing article or interviews or essays about
the Debian Women project. I've listed the two I know about offhand, but I
am pretty sure there is other stuff up there. It would be particularly
good to have links to things in languages other than English.
I think I'd really prefer for this to not be hidden away in the wiki. It
should be added to a section of the main website (eg, "Press") so that
people will see it on the front page. The wiki is not a substitute for good
static pages and anyone who needs to be able to edit such a page has alioth
I agree with this.
There are other things that need updating on the website too, like the ToDo
list, etc.
I'm happy to have a go at this sometime the next couple of days...
I would suggest that the wiki page stands for the time being, as a quick way
for people to add things they notice in the press. No harm in saying some
things twice, imho.