* Anja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004:08:23 20:52 +0000]: 
> I'm totally agree, it would be good translate the web to some languages 
> ( i hope there are people in the list with french, german, portuguese,
> chinese, arabic, dutch, etc as primary language!).  

I'm fairly confident that there are a number of people willing to translate
on the list. I know of at least Spanish, German, and Portuguese speakers
that have offered.

> About nanoblogger, you can just download the code and install, it is not
> hard, but it has not been designed to maintain easily a web in some languages.

You can also use it on alioth. It's just a bash script that outputs the
front page in a certain format. I wrote an explanation of the layout and
nanoblogger and left it in the htdocs directory of the website.

I agree it's not ideal, but it works for now.

> What about pmwiki (www.pmwiki.org) ?

My experiences with wikis have been negative and I dislike them. A lot. If
someone was able to show me one that actually looked nice and was not a
PITA to setup, I might say it was a good idea, but I've not seen that this
is the case.. ever. If you can setup a working sample, I might consider it.

> Also website meta language (http://thewml.org/) could be uselful, but it looks
> more complicated. You can see WML in action in http://ddtp.debian.org/new/

I think WML is probably the best option. Unfortunately, I don't know
_anything_ about WML besides what I just read on that website. Anyone that
knows it is welcome to either collaborate with me or others or do their own
thing. I'd like to see it before instituting changes, of course, but if it
will make translations easier, I think it's a good idea. 

> [español]
> Me cuesta escribir en inglés una barbaridad, aunque lo entiendo y voy leyendo 
> todos los mails, pero la verdad es que me gustaría poder participar más en la 
> lista. Esto de escribir el mail en dos idiomas, no se yo si es muy educado 
> que se diga.

Esto es una cosa que me preocupa. No hablo mucho español, pero lo entiendo,
y quiero que las personas que no pueden hablar ingles a participar en la
lista y el proyecto. Si algun dia necesitamos que formar un grupo separado
para esto, muy bien, pero ahora puedo solamente dar mis apologías. :( Si
conoces otras mujeres que quieren participar pero no hablen ingles, ¿es
posible formar otra lista? (no en Debian por ahora, demasiado controversia,
pero en otro mailserver..) 

off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide

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