On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 09:39:28AM -0700, Carla Schroder wrote:
> I'm not a programmer, just an old country sysadmin, so I've been thinking 
> over 
> what I can do in terms of supporting Debian. Would proofreading/copyediting 
> be useful? I know that writing man pages and howtos is always in demand. But 
> I've noticed that a lot of existing documention could use a bit of cleanup: 
> spelling, grammar, clarity, and so forth. Is there anyone maintaining some 
> documentation who would like an assist? Do document maintainers have to go 
> through months of hell like package maintainers to be officially accepted?

It's as always, it depends ;)

If you just want to help with
documentation you should probably subscribe to debian-doc@lists.debian.org
for all the documentation that is maintained within the DDP CVS. You
should be able to contribute to the DDP without being a Debian member
via the CVS (don't know for sure, though). This is true for the
Debian website btw. (list in this case is [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
For man pages or similar things you can file bugs with patches against
the corresponding packages.

If you want to become a full Debian member you have to go through the
whole NM process like everyone else. There are special questions
and requirements available for people that only want to work
on documentation (don't know if they were ever used, though). AFAIK
the requirements are "high" (at least from my perspective): you should
have written something as big as an average HOWTO in SGML or XML on
your own.

hth and Gruesse,
Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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