on Sun, 11 Jul 2004 06:47:34PM -0700, nicole insinuated:
> At 15:48 on Jul 9, Nori Heikkinen shook the earth with:
> > okay, this is great.  but, what kind of stuff?  debian-specific
> > stuff?  linux stuff?  one of the issues i always have with groups
> > like this (as MUCH as i love them, as MUCH as they're desperately
> > needed!) is that they can easily turn into little girls-only LUGs
> > with lots of emoticons and equivocating -- and i don't feel, from
> > reading the archives of this list, that that was the purpose of
> > founding debian-women.  (please correct me if i'm wrong.)
> I think you are exactly correct. My understanding is that we want to
> get women involved in every aspect of what debian is and does, not
> reinvent them in a women-only space.

excellent.  just making sure.

> > maybe i'm missing your objective here, carla -- did you mean stuff
> > that we've written, or that is somehow woman-specific?
> As I understand it, the website is supposed to be a one stop
> shopping launch point for women who want to get involved. Not only
> will it serve the purpose of saying "you're not the only one!", but
> also the purpose of "now what?". Some of the things we talked about
> on IRC include how hard it is to even know how to get involved
> without being intimidated in the process, which is something I'd
> like to see addressed.

sure, i can see that.  i like the idea of "one-stop shopping" -- i was
just concerned that we were trying to reďnvent what already existed as
a women-only deal.

> One of the concerns in shaping the website is that we aren't quite
> exactly sure of our audience or our membership yet -- are most of
> the people here developers, aspiring developers but not yet
> "official", highly involved users, users who would like to get
> involved in the debian lifecycle, or just users who want to do all
> they can to make the debian community great.

i'd guess all of the above ...

cool.   thanks for your response.


    .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu
    /V\  http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/~nori
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