On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 05:34:20PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] imparted: > Hi Andreas, > That wasn't me, however we have organised our wedding to be the weekend > before LCA2005 (http://linux.conf.au) in April, in Canberra Australia > <hide> That way lots of our software livre friends can come :) We'll even > be having a big party the day before the conference, and after the wedding > for all those who couldn't make the wedding can rock on with us :) To be > honest I'd love a huge wedding but we can't afford it, so the party is a > nice compromise ;) > > If anyone is coming to LCA2005, please join us :) > > Pia
My husband and I had a geeky wedding this year - our vows included vi and bandwidth jokes, the bouqet was based around a wireless antenna, and the ceremony concluded with ':wq' (vi reference;) ) If only we'd timed it for linux conf in adelaide earlier this year....but oh well, one cant have everything, and april 1st was a brilliant date for a wedding.... r:) -- Romana Branden ITShare SA Inc/ComputerbankSA http://itshare.org.au/ ITShare SA gives away computer systems created from donated hardware and opensource software.
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