* Erinn Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005:06:13 10:31 -0400]: 
> What have you done for DW? Why do you want to be on the map?

Just for good measure, I'd like to redirect you all the Clint Adams's
post on this subject:


Totally random people have no reason to be added to the map; please
think a bit before sending your coordinates.

This map is not "Debian users all around the world, some of whom may or
may not be female (but we can't always tell because they don't give
their name or tell us anything about themselves)". It is the *Debian
Women* map. So unless you have contributed in some way -- and no,
posting once on the list to tell us your coordinates doesn't count --
then don't be shocked or surprised when you are asked directly why you
think you should be included.

off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide

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