More questions... ;) ò
The wiki seems to be tripping up over one character: an o with grave,
in the UTF-8 charset: U+00F2 (a Latin character!).
I don't understand why, but I do remember when we had a similar
problem with the VNOSS wiki [1], with Wikini (WackoWiki), refusing to
display the character e with circumflex and acute combined...
Another problem: can I create alias links to the English ones, e.g.
"• PmWiki/Documentation"
so the space isn't taken up by something I have to explain separately?
I will need to create separate links for the sandbox etc.: I can do
Back to the edits...
from Clytie (vi-VN, team/nhóm Gnome-vi)
Clytie Siddall--Renmark, in the Riverland of South Australia
Ở thành phố Renmark, tại miền sông của Nam Úc