As there are still only a few paticipants on the website mailing list, I think, it would be better to discuss that here.

Viewing the mailing list, I have found a message fom 19th of september 2004 about using a revisioning system for the website. But I did not find a discussion about what to use and a consensus and decision under a fitting subject. Maybe, it was hidden in another thread. If yes, could you point me to that thread? I assume that was not discussed and decided in IRC as IRC still has the time zone problem and people may even miss discussion, if there is smalltalk most of the time and a serious discussion hidden by that.

Some thoughts about what is used now:

- Arch is not available for Debian Woody (still the stable release)
- Most of the debian projects use CVS while some are moving to svn.

I know, that it might be difficult to learn a new revisioning system and some would need help, if they are not used to CVS eg.

But as we see Debian-Women as part of the Debian project an some are already in the new maintainer process, wouldn't it be a good idea to use a revisionis system, that is used in so many Debian projects and on the main website, too? I cannot see, how "I am not used to cvs, it is too difficult for me" can be a reason not to use it for people who like to become a DD and will have to work with CVS inside the project later. In this point I see using something mainstream more as a chance to learn how to use CVS eg.

If all the women her would be as old as I am or older, I really could understand, why they would not like a revisioning system, they are not used to. But most of the women here are very young and still learning - while older people should not stop learning at a certain age.

I would like to have some opinions about that.



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