* Hanna M. Wallach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005:02:18 14:10 +0000]: 
> Hi Helen,
> > Maybe you and any others going to FOSDEM could write to the list 
> > afterwards to let us know how it went and what it was like.
> Definitely! Which aspects would you be most interested in hearing
> about?

You know, it occurs to me that a lot of women I knew through LinuxChix had
also never been to any of these conferences and I think the idea of going
to one was scary to a lot of them. ("Will I be the only woman? Is it full
of teenage boys?" etc.) Because of this, they have a "Chix at Conferences"
page on their website so people can announce which conferences they're
going to along with contact information so people can meet up with them.
Maybe we should have a page like this as well, but I think we could take it
a step further: have a couple write-ups about conferences we've been to
giving all of the information Helen asked about, maybe include some
pictures from the events (especially if d-w people are in them) etc.

Hanna, Magni -- would one (or both) of you be interested in writing up your
experiences at FOSDEM? Simira, would you mind if we mirrored your write-up
from the Ubuntu conference at Mataró? I'd be willing to write about
DebConf4 in Brazil. 

What do you think?

off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide

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