On Sun, Feb 13, 2005 at 02:32:55AM +1100, Sonia Hamilton wrote:
> * On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 01:39:25AM +1100, Sonia Hamilton wrote:
> > A package adoption question:
> > 
> > Thierry's article [1] mentions using email to adopt a package, which I
> > did [2]. But the wnpp page [3] says to use reportbug to adopt a package.
> I'm trying to use reportbug to submit my ITP (I know someone suggested
> to just resend my old message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I want to learn how
> to use reportbug).
> I entered 'other', then 'wnpp' & 'ITP' from the menus. I pulled up the
> existing bug report 288521, but couldn't find anyway to mail my ITP, so
> I did 's - Skip remaining problems; file a new report immediately.'
> and eventually reportbug sent the email below.
Probably reportbug was not smart enough for what you tried to do. After
you entered ITP it assumed that you want to file a new bug report. I
can't reproduce what you did on my machine. Reportbug does not offer me a
buglist if after choosing ITP.

IMHO bug handling (not bug submitting) is better done by email or with
the bts tool (package devscripts).
> It doesn't seem to have emailed [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], and it hasn't linked into the existing bug
> 288521 http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=288521  - what
> have I done wrong?
It seems that reportbug filed a new ITP bug report instead of modifying
the already existing report. There are now two reports (288521 and
294943) for ssh-proxy-connect. 

The easiest way to correct this is to merge those two reports. You can
do this by sending 

merge 288521 294943


> It seems the using the Debian wnpp system is harder than actually
> writing code :-(

I think you just had bad luck. I'm not sure if it is possible to do what
you wanted to do with reportbug. AFAIK reportbug does not handle all the
control commands. 

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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