El día 09/02/2005 a 21:09 Penny Leach escribio ...

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi, debian-women!
> Sorry for such an obvious silly question... but...
> I got an error, sending an ITA (below)
> I guess this failed because I missed out a space before the !, right?

It didn't failed, it has successfully retitled the bug. What happened
following is that is didn't stop processing, thus the errors.
You should put a "thanks", "stop", or "quit" to tell server stop
processing commands below. It'll also look for "--" (most likely
following signature) and stop.

> Should I resend the same email, with this bit fixed, or do it without
> the retitle & just the owner command?

No, it's ok.


Rudy Godoy | 0x3433BD21 | http://stone-head.org               ,''`.
http://www.apesol.org  -  http://www.debian.org              : :' :
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Description: Digital signature

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