This Sunday, 16 Jan. 2005, at 0500 UTC[1], will mark the commencement of the
next #debian-women IRC meeting/discussion forum.  It is expected to run for
approximately 1 hour, no doubt with some further discussion continuing from

Our topic of discussion has been decided: we will be talking about the right
and wrong ways to advocate the debian-women project -- brainstorming what
are good points to raise with interested "outsiders", how to deflect the
usual criticisms, and what sort of behaviours to avoid so as not to give the
nutjobs any more ammunition.

I (aka womble) will be facilitating the discussion, and Colleen Hatfield
(aka 'evilpig') has volunteered to take notes and post a summary of the
discussion to wider places afterwards.

- Matt

[1] will tell you what
that is in your local time.

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