* Michael Prokop <m...@debian.org> [20090806 10:28]:
> * Daniel Baumann <dan...@debian.org> [20090703 00:38]:
> > Michael Prokop wrote:
> > > What's the current state of guymager? :)
> > i'll arrive at home on saturday, sunday i'll be fixing and uploading a
> > bunch of new stuff that christophe prepared, including guymager.

> Ok great. Please let me know if you need any help.

Quoting with panthera's permission:

| 10:47 < mikap> panthera: regarding #479014 -> ist there any work left for 
| 11:01 < panthera> mikap: someone needs to package libguyimager first i guess.
| 11:02 < panthera> not sure if christophe did already something on that.

Christophe, can you please let us know what's the current state of
guymager and libguyimager? How about moving existing stuff to


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