IIRC inotify-tools is currently almost dead upstream, so it could be
valuable to also find someone to step in and take the role there.
Could you consider it? Otherwise, to ease your future packaging work
too, I'd suggest you to get in touch with people interested in it from
other various distributions and try to re-ignite some energy into the
upstream project.

See also http://www.unmaintained-free-software.org/wiki/Inotify-tools

Cheers, Luca

 .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **  | Luca Bruno (kaeso)
: :'  :   The Universal O.S.    | lucab (AT) debian.org
`. `'`                          | GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3
  `-     http://www.debian.org  | Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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