-=| Gabor Szabo, Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 03:32:30PM +0200 |=-
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 3:17 PM, Damyan Ivanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Another thing left to do is sync debian/copyright with the new
> > release. There are more files added, even some Tango icons with some
> > CC license. Any ...uhm... takers? :)
> We will deal with the copyright again soon.

(/me hates legal stiff)

From what I see, the tango icons are taken from the Tango project. 
From the tarball I downloaded from tango.freedesktop.org, the license 
is CC-SA-2.5.

One problem with it is that it is not compatible with GPL (AIUI, 
because it poses additional restrictions).

Another -- that CC-SA requires that derivative works include the full 
license text as well as the list of authors. This is something Padre 
does not.

More[1], it fails the Debian Free Software Guidelines[2], therefore 
cannot be part of Debian. (There is Debian package named 
tango-icon-themes in non-free).

 [1] http://evan.prodromou.name/Debian_Creative_Commons_Workgroup_report
 [2] http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines

So, as I see it:
 * Padre is not distributable, as GPL and CC-SA-2.5 conflict[3];
 * Padre is breaking CC-SA-2.5 by not distributing the full license 
   text and authors list;
 * Debian cannot ship Padre with CC-SA-2.5-licensed material in it.

    [3] I am not sure how CC-SA-2.5 interoperates with Artistic 

Is chosing another icon set an option?

dam            JabberID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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