
If I am understanding the bug system right, this package (html2ps) was
not actually adopted and is still in need of a maintainer.  If that is
true, I would like to adopt it.  Since I use this script on a weekly
basis, and I know both Perl and Postscript, this seems a good fit for me.
If nobody else is working on it, I plan to remove the tcl/tk interface
(thus removing the xhtml2ps binary package from Debian) and focus on
fixing whatever bugs I can with the html2ps script itself.

I am not (yet) a DD, or DM (though my key is signed by several in the
Debian keyring) so I will apparently need a sponsor to pull this off.
I may also need help working with the bug system, as I have limited
experience with it, and adopting a package will be a first for me.

Note that I have worked with the Debian packaging system several times
before, just not the bug tracker.  It's something I wanted to learn
anyway, and am looking forward to it.

Dave, if you are still working toward this, then I apologize for
misunderstanding the situation, and never mind this message.  I will
find another package that I can help out with instead.  Just let me know.


Steaphan Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Lecturer, Computer Science, Binghamton University
GPG public key: http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~sgreene/gpg.key.txt

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