Your message dated Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:59:46 -0600
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line WNPP bug closing
has caused the Debian Bug report #443533,
regarding RFP: ptpd -- Implements the Precision Time protocol (PTP) as defined 
by the IEEE 1588 standard.
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : ptpd
  Version         : 1rc1
  Upstream Author : Kendall Correll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD
  Programming Lang: C
Description : Implements the Precision Time protocol (PTP) as defined by the IEEE 1588 standard.

PTP was developed to provide very precise time coordination of LAN
connected computers.

PTPd is a complete implementation of the IEEE 1588 specification for a
standard (non-boundary) clock. PTPd has been tested with and is known to
work properly with other IEEE 1588 implementations. The source code for
PTPd is freely available under a BSD-style license. Thanks to
contributions from users, PTPd is becoming an increasingly portable,
interoperable, and stable IEEE 1588 implementation.

PTPd can run on most 32-bit little- or big-endian processors. It does
not require an FPU, so it is great for embedded processors. PTPd
currently runs on Linux, uClinux, FreeBSD, and NetBSD. It should also be
easy to port to other platforms.

PTPd is free. Everyone is invited to use and contribute to PTPd.

PTPd was written by using only information contained within 'IEEE Std
1588-2002'. IEEE 1588 may contain patented technology, the use of
which is not under the control of the authors of PTPd. Users of IEEE
1588 may need to obtain a license for the patented technology in the
protocol. Contact the IEEE for licensing information.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

This is an automatic mail sent to close the RFP you have reported or 
are involved with.

Your RFP wnpp bug is being closed because of the following reasons:
- It is, as of today, older than 365 days.
- It hasn't had any activity recently.

As this is an automatic procedure, it could of course have something
wrong and probably it would be closing some bugs that are not 
intended by owners and submitters (like you) to be closed, for
example if the RFP is still of your interest, or there has been 
some kind of activity around it. In that case, please reopen the
bug, do it, DO IT NOW! (I don't want to be blamed because of
mass closing and not let people know that they can easily reopen
their bugs ;-).

To re-open it, you simply have to mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with a body text like this:

 reopen 443533

Further comments on the work done in the bug sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] would be truly welcomed.
Anyway, if you have any kind of problems when dealing with
the BTS, feel free to contact me and I'd be more than happy to help
you on this: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

A similar process is being applied to other kind of wnpp bugs.

Thanks for your cooperation,

 -- David Moreno Garza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

--- End Message ---

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