On Thu Mar 13 10:20, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 03:08:39PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
> > 
> > Just curious:
> > One of the major complaints about NX (iirc) and the reason why it wasn't
> >  packaged for Debian yet, is that it basically was a fork of the
> > complete Xorg/Xfree86 sources (which understandably didn't make our
> > security team happy).
> > Is nxcl a reimplementation that solves this problem?
> > Does it allow to implement the NX server as an extension for Xorg?
> > 
> Yes.  Thay also fork openssh, CUPS and other stuff.  The submitter is
> advised to check the mailing list archives of the pkg-nx group on
> Alioth.

I'm aware of this, however, the cups/X fork is only for the server side.
On the client side there is normally an SSH fork involved, but I'm
working with the freenx people who have a patch to nxproxy so that it
doesn't need nxssh.

These ITPs are for an NX client with the above patches so that openssh
can be used rather than nxssh.


Matthew Johnson

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