retitle 468760 ITP: libace-perl -- interface for the ACEDB database
owner 468760 Debian Perl Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Charles,

On Sat, 01 Mar 2008 17:24:56 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:

> Recent versions of Bioperl, a suite of perl modules for
> bioinformatics, depend on the modules provided by AcePerl. The
> Debian-Med packaging team would be very happy to find a volunteer to
> prepare a Debian package for it. We can provide support and
> sponsorship (but please check first with the pkg-perl team if they
> would be interested to host the package as well).

As a member of pkg-perl as well, I'll maintain those packages under its
umbrella :)

And, well, being a member of both teams might gain some benefit to this package
(and also libgff-perl, for which I've just filed an ITP).

> There might be copyright issues depending on the level of pickyness:
> files under acelib/ have no clear copyright statement, but have been
> released under GPL and LGPL in the ACEDB packages distributed by the
> Sanger Center (see below). I do not know if these files are essential.

Me neither, I hope ftpmasters won't REJECT this.

> Here are stubs for the control and copyright files: [..]

Thanks! :)


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