On Jan 29, 2008 6:42 PM, Paolo Cignoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi to all,
> With the new release 1.1.0
> i have prepared, as you requested, a tarball with (hopefully) all the
> needed sources (including vcg)
> it is available at sourceforge at
> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/meshlab/MeshLabSrc_v110.tgz
Great! This makes packaging really much easier. I remade my packaging branch at
https://code.launchpad.net/meshlab to use the new release. I think the
package is now close to being good enough to upload to the archive,
the only obstacle is the obsolete lib3ds-dev in Debian. That just
requires someone to NMU it since the changes needed to build the new
version are really small, and given in a patch at bug #463108.

For people who want to test the package without using bzr, the source
package is also at
Remember to use version 1.3.0 of lib3ds.

In order to get the package uploaded, I would need a sponsor /
co-maintainer. Any volunteers?

As for the meshlab release, I found a couple of small issues that
should be fixed upstream (but are now patched in the Debian source):
- ui_painttoolbox.h is not created during build
- build fails due to private variable access in one of the plugins,
see attached patch


> Once untarred it should contain most of the needed libs.
> The only depending stuff that should be managed by hand
> is the lib3ds, for which we need the 1.3 version
> I have set up a page of the documentation explaining what is needed
> and how to compile
> http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Compiling
> Let me know if i can help in some way
> p.
=== modified file 'meshlab/src/meshlabplugins/render_rm/glstateholder.h'
--- meshlab/src/meshlabplugins/render_rm/glstateholder.h	
2008-01-30 15:46:19 +0000
+++ meshlab/src/meshlabplugins/render_rm/glstateholder.h	
2008-01-31 15:09:44 +0000
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 class GLStateHolder : public QObject
+        friend class RmMeshShaderRenderPlugin;
 // private data members

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