
On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 23:21:36 -0400 Joe Nahmias wrote:

>   - The _source_ package should not require kernel >= 2.6.19 in order to
>     build it.  You will have to patch the Makefile to disable that check
>     when building the source package, but require it during the build of
>     the binary module packages.

Should I really patch this? I mean, there is no <2.6.19 kernel in
unstable, and won't be in lenny. This might be useful for backports
though - however I do not see the source package to depend on kernel
>=2.6.19, as the Makefile with the test isn't called during build of -source.

>   - Your use of dpatch in the clean target is incorrect.  It does not
>     allow for using a patched clean target within the Makefile.  You
>     should have the following instead:
>   - Also, on the same topic, you should not be ignoring the error when
>     the Makefile is not present -- it is not generated by autoconf, so
>     if it's missing there's a problem!
>   - Your second rules file is mis-named.  It should probably be called
>     rules.modules since it is the debian/rules that used to build the
>     modules packages.


>   - It would be better if you could combine the two rules files that you
>     have so that there is only one place to make changes when necessary.
>     This shouldn't be too difficult since they will call different
>     targets depending on whether it's a source or module build.

The split is intentional, as I do not want the $USER to have dpatch
installed (I only patch the Makefile during build of -source).

>   - In both rules you don't export CFLAGS, so the noopt handling in
>     DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS will not make it to the actual compiles.

Do I really have to export it? Never saw any debian/rules with export
of CFLAGS, neither does the example from mod-ass.

>   - In README.Debian, the third option should mention that the user will
>     need to manually compile the module -- not just unpack & install.
>   - The source package does not need to depend on make and bzip2,
>     mod-ass will pull those in for you.


>   - Using dpkg-divert is the wrong solution for kernel modules.  You
>     should use the updates sub-dir to override the regular hdaps module.
>     See, for example, the alsa-source package.

Hmm, I took ipw3945 and ieee80211 as example, and there divert was used.
Same for kvm. But I've changed it.

>   - You should run `depmod -a` in the postinst and postrm scripts of the
>     module packages so that the modules can be found / removed by
>     modprobe.

This works here without depmod, as this is done by dh_installmodules.

>   - I'm not sure what debian/tp-smapi-source.links is supposed to
>     accomplish.  Can you explain this to me.

/usr/share/doc/module-assistant/HOWTO-DEVEL.gz says:

# install the control script, if wished. Not really required for package to be
# processed but helps m-a frontend: puts the package into the list of known
# packages
ln -s ../packages/default.sh

> Well, that's enough for one round.  Let me know when you've fixed up and
> uploaded a 0.32-2 package and I'll take another look.


Have fun with it ;)
Btw, I'm offline from tomorrow 'till friday evening, will check mails
time from time, but please don't expect too fast replys.


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