
On Thursday 12 April 2007 19:44, Nicolas Spalinger wrote:
> the packaging for ttf-sil-andika is available in the pkg-fonts Alioth
> repository:
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-fonts/packages/ttf-sil-andika/


> I was waiting for the end of the freeze before asking for sponsorship.

Ok, fair enough :)

> In the meantime, there's been new design reviews released so I'll
> adjust the packaging and do some more testing.

"design reviews"? Updated fonts or reviews of your packaging or..?

> Your thoughts on the current packaging welcome.

I just checked out the above URL and only got a debian/ directory. How am I 
supposed to build it? ;)

As far as I can say from (briefly) looking at those files without building the 
package, the packaging looks good.

> Thanks for your sponsorship offer. I'll let you know when the source
> package is ready.

Ok. Any estimate? ;)


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