Out of curiosity, is the plan to package the linden labs client or the opensecondlife.org client? (Or both? secondlife-client-ll and second-life-client-opensl?)
Before I saw this ITP, I'd already knocked up packages for ELFIO and openjpeg, and the xml-rpc library it requires (I forget the name, libxmlrpc-epi I think) meaning I could build the client without having to do any of the 'copy library headers' or 'grab tarball of libs', with the opensecondlife.org tree. (No sound, obviously) If anyone's interested in them, I'll have to get permission from my employer to release them, but once that's done I can put them up on the 'net or something. Since nothing else in Debian (that I know of) uses these libraries, they should probably be maintained by the secondlife-client maintainer. I met a guy who's talking to SDL people about replacing the FMOD dependancy, and that's going on in the opensecondlife.org tree. -- Paul "TBBle" Hampson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shorter .sig for a more eco-friendly paperless office.
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