Your message dated Thu, 14 Dec 2006 11:45:45 +0000
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Bug#380223: fixed in meep 0.10-1
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

--- Begin Message ---
Package: meep-0.9
Severity: wishlist

Software website:

Meep (or MEEP) is a free finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation software package developed at MIT to model electromagnetic systems, along with our MPB eigenmode package. Its features include

* Free software under the GNU GPL.
* Simulation in 1d, 2d, 3d, and cylindrical coordinates.
* Distributed memory parallelism on any system supporting the MPI standard. Portable to any Unix-like system (GNU/Linux is fine).
* Dispersive ε(ω) (including loss/gain) and nonlinear (Kerr) materials.
* PML absorbing boundaries and/or perfect conductor and/or Bloch-periodic boundary conditions. * Exploitation of symmetries to reduce the computation size — even/odd mirror symmetries and 90°/180° rotations. * Complete scriptability — either via a Scheme scripting front-end (as in libctl and MPB), or callable as a C++ library. * Field output in the HDF5 standard scientific data format, supported by many visualization tools.
* Arbitrary material and source distributions.
* Field analyses including flux spectra, frequency extraction, and energy integrals; completely programmable. * Multi-parameter optimization, root-finding, integration, etcetera (via libctl).

(Meep's dependencies are basically the same as that of MPB (MIT Photonic Bands), another free simulation software that has already been packaged for Debian.)

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Source: meep
Source-Version: 0.10-1

We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
meep, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:

  to pool/main/m/meep/libmeep-dev_0.10-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/m/meep/libmeep-mpi-dev_0.10-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/m/meep/libmeep-mpi1_0.10-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/m/meep/libmeep1_0.10-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/m/meep/meep-mpi_0.10-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/m/meep/meep_0.10-1.diff.gz
  to pool/main/m/meep/meep_0.10-1.dsc
  to pool/main/m/meep/meep_0.10-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/m/meep/meep_0.10.orig.tar.gz

A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is

Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed.  If you
have further comments please address them to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.

Debian distribution maintenance software
Loic Le Guyader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (supplier of updated meep package)

(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Thu,  9 Nov 2006 21:46:45 +0000
Source: meep
Binary: libmeep-mpi-dev libmeep-mpi1 libmeep-dev meep meep-mpi libmeep1
Architecture: source i386
Version: 0.10-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Loic Le Guyader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Changed-By: Loic Le Guyader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 libmeep-dev - Library for using meep, development version
 libmeep-mpi-dev - Library for using meep, parallel development (mpich) version
 libmeep-mpi1 - Library for using meep, parallel (mpich) version
 libmeep1   - Library for using meep
 meep       - MIT Electromagnetic Equation Propagation
 meep-mpi   - MIT Electromagnetic Equation Propagation, parallel (mpich) versio
Closes: 380223
 meep (0.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial release (Closes: #380223)
 eeac53cbc6aabea761dddf7e749b3d89 790 science optional meep_0.10-1.dsc
 09fde3d1ed3dd02116871175183751d6 882349 science optional meep_0.10.orig.tar.gz
 6f6dc519cacb0896ee653d1ffe8fba08 3666 science optional meep_0.10-1.diff.gz
 30321dbbb2f2f5c96b4c11cc67054656 159584 science optional meep_0.10-1_i386.deb
 7b8a89065445b8a7c65e0f47466661ba 246110 libs optional libmeep1_0.10-1_i386.deb
 a3d4d428829b99b5ff6f79ddde47bc45 19338 libdevel optional 
 40ca28c56172b8ed47ed7e50db111fda 159702 science optional 
 e47894ed2b5b8ed360db36d435d22419 434040 libs optional 
 f7f68f60fae7b1820bb7b8267e5f0570 19344 libdevel optional 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


--- End Message ---

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