Hi potential sponsors,

As I am still in the NM queue I am searching for a sponsor for "frown".

* Package name    : from 
  Version         : 0.6.1-2
  Upstream Author : Ralf Hinze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             : http://www.informatik.uni-bonn.de/~ralf/frown/index.html
* License         : GPLv2
  Section         : devel

It builds these binary packages:
frown - LALR(k) parser generator for Haskell 98

The package is linda an lintian clean.

An upload would close ITP bug 336978.

The package can be downloaded from my repository:
- URL: http://moonshine.dnsalias.org/debian/unstable
- Source repo: deb-src http://moonshine.dnsalias.org/debian unstable/
- dget http://moonshine.dnsalias.org/debian/unstable/frown_0.6.1-2_i386.changes

An upload would be appreciated.

Greetings Arjan Oosting

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