Hi, I have prepared preliminary Debian package of Helium, the programming language and compiler designed for learning Haskell.
The Debian package is available for Debian unstable from my repository [1] and can be installed by adding the following snippet to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://moonshine.dnsalias.org/debian unstable/ and executing apt-get update && apt-get install helium It can also by installed by downloading the .deb file from http://moonshine.dnsalias.org/debian/unstable/helium_1.6-0.1_i386.deb and installing the downloaded .deb file with dpkg -i helium_1.6-0.1_i386.deb The Debian package is still missing man pages for helium, lvmrun and texthint. When I have written these I will try to get this package sponsored into the Debian archive. Greeetings Arjan Oosting [1] http://moonshine.dnsalias.org/debian/
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