Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 15:11 +0200, Luk Claes wrote:
>> Yes, it is as people are thinking of removing translations from packages
>> due to size considerations and moving them to some sort of translation
>> packages, the same will probably be true for documentation translations.
>> Thus having one (or a couple of) Dutch translation package(s) instead of
>> translations in almost all packages...
> Ok, we can at least see whether it remains useful of course. Since
> there's no obvious other candidate for adopting it yet, I say we do it
> with team maintenance by l10n-dutch. However, I believe that it's a good
> idea (in general with any team maintained package) to make one person
> explicitly bear the final responsibility of the package.
> Who's in for that? As the maintainer of 'dutch' I can do it if that's
> required.

Thanks for volunteering :-)



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