Op za, 30-07-2005 te 10:17 -0500, schreef John Goerzen:
> Hi Arjan,
> I notice you have some .debs of HaXML built already.  I'm just
> wondering if I could do anything to help you get it into sid.
Hi John,

"Some time ago" you offered to give me a hand with getting HaXml into
unstable. At the time Isaac Jones (my sponsor for DrIFT) intended to
check my package and upload it after a upgrade of ghc6. After some
failed uploads (missing -sa arguments to dpkg-buildpackage, etc) the
package still is not in unstable. :(

Isaac seems to be quite busy at the moment, so I was wondering if you
are still interested in HaXml and could have a look at the HaXml
packages and maybe upload it for me?

The package is available from my webpage [1] and is lintian and linda
clean. You can download the source by doing 
dget http://moonshine.dnsalias.org/debian/unstable/haxml_1.13-17_i386.changes

If you want to rebuild and upload the package don't forget the -sa flag
to dpkg-buildpackage.

Greetings Arjan Oosting

[1] http://moonshine.dnsalias.org/debian/unstable

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