On Saturday 06 May 2006 12:23, Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote:
> > I've uploaded a new commoncpp2, hopefully this should fix the issue...
> It seems ok now.


> BTW... while recompiling new version of twinkle I also built kiax and found
> some problems, so I have commited my changes to svn, hope you don't mind!

Go for it...  That's what the shared working environment is all about..

> Just one thing on kiax, why haven't we uploaded it yet? Is it still because
> of the problems with the iLBC license? Can't we just remove it from kiax so
> that we can still have a kiax dfsg?

It's pretty much all documented at http://bugs.debian.org/319201

We pretty much just need to remove the iLBC and update debian/copyright.

For extra marks we could link to the system provided libspeex/ libgsm & 

George Danchev was talking to upstream to get something along those lines in 
the next upstream release, but I haven't followed anything since.

> Oh... one more thing... this is my first commit since we switch over to svn
> :-) yes, that was a long time ago, and even longer since I last did
> : anything

Welcome back :-)

> related to voip on Debian. Seeing me commit doesn't mean I'm back, but I'm
> going to try to start contributing again, in fact... if you want me to do
> the changes on kiax so that it can go in I wouldn't mind taking care of it,
> I use twinkle more than kiax, but I like them both :-)

I perfer the kiax UI over twinkle, but I prefer SIP over IAX2.
Go for it, kiax is needed...

> Well, it is nice to be commiting again!


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