On Sat, 2006-04-22 at 17:24 +0200, Arnaud Fontaine wrote:
> >>>>> "Morten" == Morten Werner Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Morten> Doesn't the pysnmp 3.x-series  have a very unstable API? And
>     Morten> is the 3.x-series still under development? I guess the right
>     Morten> thing  to do is to  make sure pykota uses  the stable pysnmp
>     Morten> 2.x-series until a new stable 4.x-series is ready?
> Hello,
> 3.x-serie and  4.x-serie are unstable  releases. Pykota doesn't  use the
> 2.x-serie, only  the 3.x-serie. But i  think there are  many examples of
> such python applications that use pysnmp2 or pysnmp3 or also pysnmp4, so
> i thnk that packaging all these branches could be great.

I have already packaged version 3 and 4, but they were rejected by the
ftp-masters because i did not explain why several versions are needed.

>     Morten> I'm not involved in the packaging of pysnmp, but I guess
>     Morten> packaging the 3.x- 4.x-series as separate packages sounds
>     Morten> like a good idea if we really want the version 3 and 4 in
>     Morten> Debian before upstream freezes their API.
> I  think so  too.  I  have python-pysnmp4  ready, available  on  the svn
> repository of debian-python team. I can package pysnmp3 too, but i would
> like to wait for Jan Luebbe answer about these mails ;).

All versions use the pysnmp package name (and therfore the packages
conflict against each other), so it would impossible to one package with
depends on v2 together with one which depends on v4.

v4 contains a mechanism to select the required version before importing
pysnmp. So it should be possible to port this mechanism to v2 and v3 and
create a pysnmp-common package which contains this module.

Of course that would require all users of pysnmp to specifiy the
required version.

The (imho) cleaner solution would be to use pysnmp[234] as the package
names. This sould be coordinated with upstream.

Jan Lübbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            http://sicherheitsschwankung.de
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