Le Samedi 1 Avril 2006 11:29, vous avez écrit :
> Hello,
> I saw wnpp bugreport, about Hugin:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=246244
> In August 2005 You said that you are working on uploading 0,5RC version, to
> debian. What happend next? This wnpp bug seems to be closed, are there any
> problems with Hugin?

This bug (and 251618) were closed automaticaly, and reopened.

There is still some licencing problems with Hugin : Hugin depends on libvigra, 
which was licenced under a non-free and non-GPL-compatible licence.
I worked with Vigra's authors (see my previous mail on bug #251618), Vigra was 
re-licenced under MIT-X11 licence (wich is free and GPL-compatible), and it 
is now under Debian.
But current stable version of Hugin is still using and old, non-free, 
highly-patched version of Vigra.
The bug was reported upstream 
and according to the authors, the CVS version can now be built with a patched 
version of Vigra 1.4.0, BUT :
 - if you look at the CVS, you will find the file src/foreign/VIGRA_LICENSE 
which is still refering to the old, non-free Vigra licence
 - i prefer not to be obliged to create a package "libvigraimpex2_hugin", or 
something like that
 - the patches to make latest Vigra version working with Hugin where sent 
So I'm now waiting for :
 - Vigra's authors to patch the official version of Vigra to makes it working 
with Hugin
 - this version to enter Debian
 - Hugin's CVS to be cleaned.

> Now I'm using Christian Marillat package from ftp.nerim.net, and everything
> works fine. But of course it will be better, to have hugin officaily in
> Debian.

I agree with you, and it's why I am working on official Hugin packages.

> Can You please tell me what is the current status of Hugin package in
> Debian?

I think that it's done :-)


P.S. : I forward this mail to the bug #251618

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