On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 07:25:16PM -0800, Matt Taggart wrote:
>Hi Anibal,
>Remco failed to mention when he orphaned pciutils that he agreed to let a few 
>of us adopt it as a team and maintain it via alioth. Right now that is Matthew 
>Wilcox and me and the project is,
>We've made some good progress getting the package cleaned up, updated to the 
>latest upstream, and willy has been working with upstream to get a lot of the 
>Debian differences either merged or resolved in another way so that we can 
>reduce the size of the diff. There has also been some work to get rid of the 
>libpci shared library since it was providing little value and upstream is not 
>willing to commit to a fixed ABI. We have a plan for transitioning the few 
>packages that use the .so off of it and splitting it off to an oldlibs package 
>for 3rd party applications that still need it. We haven't done an upload yet 
>because since we're making some fairly big changes we're still testing.
>How about joining the alioth team and helping us maintain it?

By all means, that suits me. Please add me as a developer in the alioth
project. My alioth userid is anibal.

>Matt Taggart

Best Regards,

Aníbal Monsalve Salazar

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