Fernando Ike de Oliveira wrote: > Package: wnpp > Severity: wishlist > Owner: Fernando Ike de Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > * Package name : gerwin > Version : 0.6 > Upstream Author : Jose E. Marchesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > * URL : http://www.nongnu.org/gerwin/project/what.html > * License : GPL > Description : CASE tool for edit data model > > GerWin (the GNU Entity/Relationship Wished Incarnation) is a CASE > tool for edit data models. These data models can then be > implemented on some relational dataDB base implementation > such as PostgreSQL, Mysql or SGDB compatible SQL-92.
When you go to URL page you'll see: The GerWin project has changed its name! The GerWin project has changed its name to GNU Ferret: GNU Free Entity Relationship and Reverse Engineering Tool. The rationale behind the name changing is to avoid futurable legal conflicts with the owners of the Erwin(TM) trademark. eloy -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] jak to dobrze, że są oceany - bez nich byłoby jeszcze smutniej