On 12/23/05, Javier Ballesteros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi! > > I'm interesting in adopting this package or help to get this package > out from orphaned packages. I'm trying to adopt as much packages I > can, and it seems that this package is still orphaned, so please let > me know if I can help or I can be Co-Manteiner. Maybe I can get a > sponsor to upload the package.
Actually, all I really need is a sponsor to check ECB and upload it to the archive. The newest upstream is already packaged[1] , but I'd like your comment. [1] http://zakame.spunge.org/pub/debian/ecb/ Cheers, Zakame -- Zak B. Elep || http://zakame.spunge.org [EMAIL PROTECTED] || [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1 F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D