Op wo, 02-11-2005 te 01:41 +0100, schreef Florian Ragwitz:
> On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 01:17:25AM +0100, Arjan Oosting wrote:
> > * Package name    : frown
> >   Version         : 0.6
> >   Upstream Author : Ralf Hinze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > * URL             : http://www.informatik.uni-bonn.de/~ralf/frown/index.html
> > * License         : GPL version 2
> >   Description     : parser generator for Haskell 98
> What differs this package from happy, another haskell parser generator?
Good question, of course.

I haven't really looked into that yet. I need frown for building another
package (the generic haskell compiler) and as such are making a package
for it. 
I will have a more thorough look at the documentation of frown (and
happy) soon, after which a will include a summery of the differences in
I am not sure whether it will be included into the official Debian
archive soon and if there is any interest in this package, I just
registered it as a WNPP bug so other people know I'm working on it.  

Greetings Arjan Oosting

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