On 10/20/05, Daniel Widenfalk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, that seems managable. I'll do it if you're willing to help me get

> started and pointed in the right direction. Required tools and so on...

By all means.

> Also, any logs and documentation (or pointers to) of what has been done
> and what is planned would be apreciated. Addresses to people that I'll
> need to get in touch with would also be nice. To sum up, take every
> ounce of information you have and drop it on my head.

OK, you should contact "Nikita V. Youshchenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, he's
the one that got the gcc 3.3 och gcc 3.4 source packages to produce
wokring corsscompilers.

In /usr/share/doc/toolchain-source there is an README giving an
overview of how the tools are supposed to work, there is also an
HOWTO, and there is man pages for each of the tools in the package.

In the gcc source package there is debian/README.cross, which
describes how to use the gcc source package to produce

As for debian package developement there is quite som info at

Please let me know if there is any other info you need, or if you want
some more specific refrences. Have you any experience with debian
package maintainance?

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