El vie, 07-10-2005 a las 18:31, Rafa Rodríguez Galván escribió:
> Hi, Marco.
> Some time ago, Javier Viñuales (vigu), Debian Developer,
> promised me that, If I was going to maintain the wxmaxima
> Debian package, he will help sponsor me. I continued packaging
> different versions of wxmaxima, but they were not "official"
> Debian packages, so I have been delayed with the last one.
> Today, I asked Javier again, he replied that he continues interested
> in sponsoring the package and requested me to send him the sources.
> I acceded to the wxmaxima web page, but I found that the 0.6.2
> version have been packaged by you.
> Then, I read your message to Bug#290922:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am also interested to push wxmaxima into Debian archive.
> > I have prepared an updated package (last version, built against
> > libwxgtk2.6), here:
> > deb http://people.debian.org/~zufus/ wxmaxima/
> > deb-src http://people.debian.org/~zufus/ wxmaxima/
> > If you are still interested, please let me know, and in case, we
> > can co-maintain this package (otherwise I would like
> > to take this package).
> > Regards
> > Marco
> The key is that I'm still interested: I would like to continue packaging
> wxmaxima, because I was using it as a first package to start contributing
> to the Debian community. Anyway, if you wish we can co-maintain the package,
> or Javier and you can "co-sponsor" me, or we can use any other way we find
> adequate.
> Regards,
> Rafa.
J. Rafael Rodríguez Galván.
OSLUCA -- Oficina de Software Libre, Universidad de Cádiz.