Hi all,

Stephen Birch wrote:

>Hi Guys
>Just to bring you all up to date. We have been using SVN on
>svn.debian.org to coordinate the package and will be maintaining it as
>a team using Alioth at:
>If you wish you can check out the source from
Just remember Steve that "svn+alioth" is specific to the [tunnel]
section of your own subversion config.

>Don't go to the alioth CVS archives, we will be deleting those, consider
>them obsolete.
>The package itself was uploaded to Debian on Saturday night by Otavio
>who helped review and polish the code, thanks Otavio.
>The biggest thankyou must go to Kel who did an absolutely first class
>job of creating this package in the first place. I am certain you will
>like what you see of his work. Thanks Kel!!!!
Otavio, I did some more thinking about the recent revamp of the rules,
and i'd like to propose a small optimisation.

diff -Nru spca5xx-20050906.1-current/debian/changelog
--- spca5xx-20050906.1-current/debian/changelog    2005-09-25
20:20:56.000000000 +1000
+++ spca5xx-20050906.1-new/debian/changelog    2005-09-25
20:20:18.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+spca5xx (20050906.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  [Kel Modderman]
+  * Move staging area for module source from current dir to
+    debian/tmp and remove clean target rule in debian/rules.
+ -- Kel Modderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sun, 25 Sep 2005 20:07:24 +1000
 spca5xx (20050906.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial release from the Debian spca5xx Maintainers based
diff -Nru spca5xx-20050906.1-current/debian/rules
--- spca5xx-20050906.1-current/debian/rules    2005-09-25
20:20:56.000000000 +1000
+++ spca5xx-20050906.1-new/debian/rules    2005-09-25 20:20:18.000000000
@@ -8,22 +8,19 @@
     # Enforce executable bit on debian/rules, and create directory
structure for
     # modules source
-    install -D -m 0755 debian/rules.modules modules/spca5xx/debian/rules
+    install -D -m 0755 debian/rules.modules
     # Prepare the other debian stuff
     for f in debian/*.modules.in debian/control debian/compat  \
          debian/copyright debian/changelog; do \
-        install -m 0644 $$f modules/spca5xx/debian/; \
+        install -m 0644 $$f debian/tmp/modules/spca5xx/debian/; \
     # Prepare upstream source
     find . -path ./debian/\* -type d -prune -o -printf "%P\n" | \
         egrep -v 'debian' | \
-        cpio -admp modules/spca5xx/
+        cpio -admp debian/tmp/modules/spca5xx/
     # Prepare the debian source tarball
-    tar jcf debian/spca5xx-source/usr/src/spca5xx-source.tar.bz2 modules
-    rm -rf modules
-    rm -rf modules
+    cd debian/tmp/ && \
+        tar jcf ../spca5xx-source/usr/src/spca5xx-source.tar.bz2 modules

It would make me more comfortable if the module source tarball was
assembled out of $(CURDIR), where upstream exists. I propose we stage
the tarball in debian/tmp. Its more portable to apply to the numerous
modules packages I maintain for Kanotix and does not allow the
oppurtunity to remove upstream files in "modules" existed in it (of
course you would be stupid not to check first).

This of course not a critical change and i doubt we'll be releasing
another revision until new upstream source is available, but I'd like to
hear some opinions before I commit this patch to svn.

Thanks, Kel.

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