David Moreno Garza wrote:
On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 13:21 -0500, Carlos C Soto wrote:
Carlos, do you need help with sponsorship? I can help you since I see
you didn't contact Anibal previously, just as I suggested you.

David, yes I need help with sponsorship for alltray and gcolor2, this weekend I'll be re packing both projects.
I was trying to contact Anibal by IRC but without any response from him, maybe he was busy, anyway At the time I had the new packages I'll send a new RFS on the debian-mentors mailing list.

Carlos C Soto :: eclipxe
fn:Carlos C Soto
n:C Soto;Carlos
adr;quoted-printable;quoted-printable:;;H Galeana 122-B-302;Toluca;M=C3=A9xico;50000;M=C3=A9xico
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title:SIA Solutions SA de CV

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