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Have you ever thought that the only thing stopping you from a great job and better pay was a few letters behind your name? Well now you can get them! BA BSc MA MSc MBA PhD Within 2 weeks! No Study Required! 100% Verifiable! These are real, genuine non accredited degrees that include Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees. They are verifiable and student records and transcripts are also available. This little known secret has been kept quiet for years. The opportunity exists due to a legal loophole allowing some established colleges to award degrees at their discretion. With all of the attention that this news has been generating, I wouldn't be surprised to see this loophole closed very soon. Order yours today. Just call the number below. You'll thank me later. 1-206-350-5982 Colette Kelley Sunday came and to tell you the truth B and I never could get our motors running, we layed around the house most of the day just exhausted, I have never slept well as it stands, and since the kids came well we just never seem to get any rest. We had some storms coming in and it was giving me some one of my barometric migraines, and B had a massive sinus headache. I had layed around pretty much all I could so while she took some time to try to get rid if her headache I grabbed laundry and started a load. It was time to cook some dinner so I fired up the grill and cooked some chicken, meanwhile B had gotten up and was working on the den and the laundry, so I started on the living room and the G-kids room then moved to our room and bathroom. We managed to get the house cleaned except for H and H2 I aint cleaning theirs. Dinner was done and it was pretty decent. We watched a little TV then B went to bed since she has to be at work at 5am. I was up till about 2am and managed to get all but 2 loads of laundry finished before I go tired.3 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]