On Thursday 11 August 2005 15:10, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> > I e-mailed the owner of the ITP #221258, Roman Kreisel
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, but received a "Mailzustellung fehlgeschlagen /
> > Mail delivery failed".  I tried searching for other e-mail addresses
> > associated with his name, but could not find anything.
well, the address is correct, but i received no mail until now.

>   Well, he's certainly acctive and the account should work (see e.g.
>   [1], from today). I'm CC'ing him to make him aware of this.
Yes, i am. Thanks Adeodato

> > If the package is presumably orphaned and no contact can be made with the
> > owner of the ITP, what is the next step?  Does someone with authority
> > examine the situation and mark the package as "Orphaned", or is nothing
> > done until contact can be made with the owner?  Or am I missing the boat
> > completely and I need to do more reading on Debian's policies?
It's not really orphaned, because it's not even in Debian yet and Kalyxo is 
everything but alive, is it?

Additionally (btw, same is for the krename-package), i'm not willing to update 
it, until the C++-ABI-Translation is complete. At least the dependencies of 
kdar/krename should've changed to the newer ABI, before i'm going to build 
new packages. And afaik the next kdar will support a new libdar, won't it? I 
hadn't really a look at it yet.


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