On Tuesday 26 July 2005 23:09, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> ti, 2005-07-26 kello 21:36 +0200, Moratti Claudio kirjoitti:
> >   Description     : Vamps evaporates DVD compliant MPEG2 program streams
> > by selectively copying audio and subpicture tracks and by re-quantizing
> > the embedded elementary video stream.
> This short description is a bit long and it also leaves it unclear to me
> what the program actually does. 
Right! I'm wrong =(
vamps allow you to reduce the size of MPEG2 streams...
It could be used for making a backup of video-Dvd.

This program is not clean documented, but it is nedded by k9copy (I sent 
another ITP this evening).

> The verb evaporate means, according the 
> WordNet dictionary:
>     v 1: lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more
>        eyes" syn: vaporise
> At a guess, does vamps make MPEG2 streams smaller?
yes! vamps do that!

A new Description could be:
Vamps is a tools for recompress and modify the structure of a DVD
Vamps permits the backup of DVD (or MPEG2 streams)

putting more details in the long description...


   ~~>MaXeR <~~

              Comunità Italiana Utenti Debian: 
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