Package: wnpp Version: N/A; reported 7-Jan-2005 Package name : xvidcap Version : 1.1.3 Upstream Author : original code by Gmelch <thron AT>, extended by Karl H. Beckers <karl.h.beckers AT> URL : License : GPL Description : (see below)
Package: xvidcap Architecture: any Depends: imagemgick, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Capture X-windows display to frames or video Xvidcap is a screen capture application that can capture videos from an XFree86 desktop for illustration or documentation purposes. It is intended to be a standards-based alternative to propietary tools. . Xvidcap is still under development, and is not yet fully polished. Audio suport, for example, is still under experimental development. Nevertheless it is useful for teaching and training through video screen captures. You can use the animate program (ImageMagick) to view the recorded frames as an animation. . Xvidcap uses an on-line encoding facility using FFMPEG's libavcodec - libavformat. . Homepage: I'm still testing the packages I've built, which seem to work fine with imagemagick (to produce animations) but I have not yet tested them with FFMPEG. Regards Javier
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